Map of Tassie

Connecting women with the outdoors

Map of Tassie is a free 100% volunteer-run, social and outdoor hiking/camping group for women (of all shapes, sizes, flavours, and pronouns) in Tasmania. This group was setup on the 11th of September, 2020, when Camille Nelson, Hildegunn Hodne, Jasmin Martin and Trudy Rundle started going on hikes together.

The group setup a private Facebook group as an easy to way to communicate and keep information about the hikes in one central location. We never thought it would grow to over 300+ members.

Anna Lewis, who ran her own Meet Up group for women in Launceston, came on board and started sharing her events with MOT. She is a valued admin and leader and part of the MOT family.

Hildegunn Hodne and Jasmin Martin have previous experience as volunteers for the local branch of the national LGBT body in Norway, with Hildegunn as branch leader, organising events such as Winter Pride in Lillehammer, and Jasmin helping to run the hiking group, organising outdoor social events.


Map of Tassie mission

The idea behind Map of Tassie is to connect women with the great outdoors and nature. If you don’t have so much knowledge or experience, then this group is perfect for you. Benefit from the knowledge and adventures of others. That’s what we’re here for :)

Map of Tassie is here to help you take your first steps outdoors. Perhaps you haven’t got the confidence to go it alone? Perhaps you’re looking for a group that can help you get started on the path to feeling physically safe as well as mentally, emotionally and spiritually prepared to be out in nature?

Our goal is to help you build a strong relationship with nature and feel good when you are out in the wild. We hope this feeling influences you positively on a personal level, as our group is dedicated to helping women feel good about themselves in a relaxed, inclusive, social atmosphere. It can be scary at first taking that first step, but you’re not alone, and we’re a crazy happy bunch with lots of understanding, patience and care. So we look forward to seeing you soon :)


Map of Tassie vision

Map of Tassie has plenty of vision ranging from finding a club house, to setting up a women’s only community living out in the Tasmanian bush. We’re also keen to network and partner up with other women-only LGBTIQ+ focused organisations on the mainland or overseas with view to experiencing their unique lifestyle, culture and natural environment.

We’d like Map of Tassie to become a platform for women to work together and earn a living by offering outdoor adventures, a women’s centre, holiday accommodation, and more.


Join Map of Tassie

To join Map of Tassie is completely free of charge, as are all hiking and outdoor activities, and most social events, unless it’s at a pub or restaurant or other establishment.

All you have to do is join our Map of Tassie FaceBook group which is private, or send Jasmin an email: and you’ll be kept informed of all the latest hikes and social activities. The only requirement is that you attend four events per year, of your choice. Let us know how we can bring you into the great Tassie outdoors. :)