Norwegian taboos

Posted by JM on Nov 04, 2016

If you’re looking for a thought provoking read about Norwegian society, why not try Sanna Sarromaa’s book Norske tabuer.

It’s been labelled as provocative, but what has been written could be called basic common sense. Her book explains how far some aspects of Norwegian thinking have drifted away from their original roots, particularly post the oil and gas boom.

Written by a Finn who has dared to constructively (and respectfully) criticise the shortcomings of modern Norwegian society, Sanna’s book has no doubt raised some uncomfortable questions. But the book is not an outsider’s rant or a critique by someone sitting on a high moral horse. This is a very well researched, thought out and written ‘nudge’ from a resident who deeply cares about the country and where it’s headed.

We often hear about the idyllic Scandinavian social model and the perfect society that exists in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. After arriving in Norway, I have often wondered and still wonder about this myth. Perfection is relative and difficult to find in a pure form in any society. Perhaps the closest we can come to it, is to never stop questioning, adjusting, adapting, standing up, or openly debating issues that matter, without censorship or threat.

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