Lifjell in Sandnes

Posted by JM on May 28, 2013

Lifjell and Dalsnuten are the closest mountains to Stavanger and Sandnes. They make for easy and pleasant day hikes. On both peaks, you can enjoy unspoiled views of the Stavanger region’s natural beauty - from the sea, to the fjords, to the mountains. Honestly, pretty stunning and worth sitting down for a long while to soak it all up.

Sandnes and Stavanger may appear to be one big metropolis but they are in fact separate cities - and don’t you forget it, otherwise the locals may get a bit grumbly. The Sandnes municipality is also much larger than the Stavanger municipality and includes many great places for day trips and hikes - such as Lifjell.

We started the trail from Dale, which is the location of a former psychiatric hospital (not a bad view if you had to stay there), and hiked up to Dalevatnet. We took the long route to Lifjell instead of the shorter one, and once at the summit of Lifjell we followed the trail down to Einerneset and along the boulders back to Dale. The hike took approximately 4-5 hours, including stops for lunch and photos.

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